7 Things Homeschool Moms Want You To Know

by Heather Bowen

If you’ve been homeschooling for any time at all, you know there are certain questions that you face all. The. Time. Truthfully, sometimes answering the same questions, and devaluing the same myths over and over again gets a little old. So, I’ve put together a list of seven things that as a homeschooling mom, I would like my non-homeschooling friends and family to know. Read on and see if you agree with my sentiments….you might even want to print out a few copies to keep on hand and pass out at social gatherings {kidding…sort of.}


Read the full article here: http://lifeofahomeschoolmom.com/2015/10/7-things-homeschool-moms-want-you-to-know/

Author: Editor