Kimberly Fries has created a beautiful new collection of Catholic children’s books. Written by Fries with vibrant illustrations by Sue Kouma Johnson, these books are delightful additions to any home, Catholic school, or parish library.
There are two saint books: Girl Saints for Little Ones and Boy Saints for Little Ones. Each two-page spread features a short biography of the saint along with a full-page illustration which includes a brief description of the symbolism included in the image. Children will be introduced to such favorite saints as St. Therese, St. Clare, St. Gianna, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Kateri, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Patrick, St. John Bosco, and St. George.
The saint books are lovely, but where this series of books truly shines is by introducing children to some of the beautiful traditions and devotions of our faith.
Consecration to Mary for Little Ones helps children develop a special relationship with our Blessed Mother who wants to lead all of us to her Son. “We can guide our children to recognize their sacredness and special mission from God. In addition, we can teach our children that from little on, Mary is by their side and helping them to become holy.” Like the adult version of consecration books, it offers a list of possible start days for the 33 day consecration process, so that the consecration can be made on a Marian feast day. There is a reflection for each day. A short consecration prayer and a daily consecration prayer are also included.
Divine Mercy for Little Ones invites children to be an apostle of mercy. It helps them learn about the message of Divine Mercy and God’s special mission for them. It introduces the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy as well as the Divine Mercy image, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Divine Mercy Sunday.
This beautiful series of books also includes Examination of Conscience for Little Ones, Guided Prayer for Little Ones, Lectio Divina for Little Ones, and Receiving Jesus for Little Ones. For more information on the books, please visit mylittlenazareth.com. To view or purchase Johnson’s striking artwork, visit https://www.etsy.com/shop/TreeofHeaven.