Ven. Carlo Acutis is being beatified October 10, 2020. Born in 1991, he died in 2006 of leukemia but managed to pack a great deal into his short life. In many ways he was a modern teen. He enjoyed video games and football. He even played Pokémon. He was also something of a computer genius who worked on a huge project on Eucharistic miracles. He might end up the patron saint of the internet.
Corinna Turner’s new book, The Boy Who Knew, introduces readers to Blessed Carlo Acutis while at the same time offering a fast-paced quick read that will keep ages ten and up turning pages. The story takes place from October 3rd to October 12th, 2020 (yes, Covid-19 is part of the story and masks and social distancing are a thing).
Daniel is a teen who has just been diagnosed with leukemia. He tells his parish priest about it who recommends that Daniel make a novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis, inviting him to be his prayer buddy. Daniel reluctantly decides it is worth a shot. As Daniel faces his own mortality and his father’s anger with God over Daniel’s diagnosis, he offers the daily prayers, learning more about Carlo each day.
The Boy Who Knew is an excellent book for teens to read or for a family to use as a read-aloud. Turner has included the Novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis at the end of the book. It is so rare to have a young modern blessed like Carlo for teens to look up to. The Boy Who Knew invites readers to get to know this remarkable young man.
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