Category: Art
The Animation Course – Drawing and Animation
Chad Stewart, former Disney animator and father to 8 children offers Drawing and Animation classes online at Beginning his career as an old fashioned…
The Great Courses
The Great Courses offers DVD, Audio CD, and streaming courses taught by experts in their fields in a variety of subjects, including art, history, math,…
Art With A Purpose: Art Pac 1
The uplifting Christian content, affordable price, and 36 well-planned lessons make these Artpacs the all-time favorite art course for grades 1st-8th. The program begins with…
Art with Anything
Art with Anything: 52 Weeks of Fun Using Everyday Stuff (Mary Ann Kohl Books) by MaryAnn F. Kohl Silver Spring: Gryphon House, 2010 Designed for…
Book Review: The Artful Parent
The Artful Parent: Simple Ways to Fill Your Family’s Life with Art and Creativity–Includes over 60 Art Projects for Children Ages 1 to 8 by…
Easy Art Idea
Here’s an Easy Art Idea for all ages. Cover a table with brown wrapping paper, tape to secure, and then draw all over it with…
Lego Architecture: The Visual Guide
LEGO Architecture: The Visual Guide by Philip Wilkinson in collaboration with Adam Reed Tucker New York: DK Publishing, 2014 “Lego Architecture: The Visual Guide” is…