Category: Religion
Living the Golden Rule
Every person who lives according to this Golden Rule makes the world a better place. This is what God commands us—to use His teachings and His laws to create a society where all people are valued and respected.
Pray with the Saints Every Day
In the Foreword to Pray With Us: A Saint for Every Day by Belinda Terro Mooney, Mike Aquilina comments that celebrating the feasts of the…
I Can Pray Anywhere
I Can Pray Anywhere – Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle; Illustrated by Jim Starr – This is a sweet picture book for toddlers/preschoolers with an important message….
6 Things You May Not Know about the Culture of Life Studies Program
In a just-released pastoral letter, Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska, wrote about the importance of a Catholic education, saying it should help students “see…
Pro-Life Education at Home
Are you a parent, grandparent, or teacher who’s concerned about secular education today? Do you worry that your children or students are not getting a…
Pro-Life Apologetics Course
Pro-Life Apologetics is a course in theology and philosophy. Building on the unchangeable Catholic/Christian belief that every life has value from conception until natural death,…
Lessons on St. Ignatius of Loyola
On July 31, we celebrate the feast of a man who was stricken by a cannonball that changed his life. St. Ignatius of Loyola was…
The Sacraments in Action by Sophia Institute Press
The Sacraments in Action Review: I’ve enjoyed The Saint Chronicles graphic novel collection by Sophia Press, so when I discovered they offered a similar book…
Decades of Thanksgiving
A creative way to count your blessings A few weeks ago, Chris Stefanick — a Catholic writer, speaker, and founder of Real Life Catholic —…