Do you have a teen who enjoys Nancy Drew style mysteries? If so, she will definitely enjoy Leslea Wahl’s new offering, Where You Lead. Eve has been having strange visions of a boy, Nick, that she has never met in Washington D.C., a city she has never been in. She’s beginning to question her sanity, so she goes to talk to the school nurse, the school counselor, and her parish priest. They all think that she is suffering from being lonely due to her sister going away to school and her best friend moving away, but the priest tells her to pray because God might be leading her to do something.
When her father gets a job offer at Georgetown, Eve encourages him to jump at the opportunity. When her family starts their new life in the nation’s capital, she sees the boy from her dreams on television. As it turns out, he is the oldest son of a new senator. She goes on a mission to find him. Not surprisingly, he thinks she might be a stalker, but life conspires to bring them together on more than one occasion.
While Eve is convinced that Nick is literally the boy of her dreams in a romantic sense, it soon becomes clear that God has something more than just romance in store for them. They become involved in a search for missing Confederate gold as well as international affairs with the Endelbourg Embassy. Their exploits take them on a tour of Washington D.C. and put them in peril on more than one occasion.
Where You Lead is a fast-moving faith-filled romp with a touch of romance —a highly enjoyable read for both teens and adults.