St. Therese’s feast day is coming up on October 1st. St. Therese is a much-loved saint, but she has a special appeal for children. Her “Little Way” is one even small children can grasp. Even as she grew up, she always want to remain a spiritual child, trusting in God the way a small child trusts in a loving father. She lived a life rooted in love of God and making small sacrifices whenever she had the opportunity.
Here are a few books to help introduce your children to this famous saint and Doctor of the Church.
Therese: The Little Flower of Lisieux tells the story of Saint Therese of Lisieux, France, the young Carmelite nun known as the Little Flower and declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope John Paul II. Raised in a loving and devout family, Therese heard the calling to religious life at an early age. She was sensitive by nature, and her tremendous confidence in the love of God was the secret to her joy and perseverance. With sanctity and wisdom beyond her years, she wrote the spiritual classic Story of a Soul before dying of tuberculosis in 1897. Illustrated on every page with bright, four-color pictures, this life of Therese can be read independently by young readers, or read aloud to small children. Because of her childlike trust and simplicity, Therese is an ideal role model for young people.
Saint books by Mary Fabyan Windeatt are classic Catholic literature. This one about St. Therese is no exception. See the life of the saint from her own eyes. Culled from her autobiography Story of a Soul, The Little Flower tells the story of the life of Saint Therese of Lisieux from her own perspective in a way better suited to children. Learn about the Little Way from St. Therese herself and see how her Little Way that led her to love God with all my heart can make you as easily into a saint too.
St. Therese and the Roses is another classic, this time from the Vision Book Series from Ignatius Press.
Growing up in Lisieux, France was occasionally painful but usually delightful for Therese and her four sisters. For practical Marie, studious Pauline, hot-tempered Leonie, mischievous Celine, and beautiful, lovable Therese, growing up meant growing closer to God. The Little Flower found her pathway to holiness right in her own back yard.
With their disagreements, secrets, visits to the convent, school adventures, and romances, these five girls are an enjoyable handful for their kindly, widowed father. But Therese, because she loves her family, discovers that one of her sisters might unwittingly prevent her dearest wish from coming true.
Little Saint Therese Grows Up shares little true stories about St. Therese, her love of God, and her trust in his love. Hopefully, children of all ages will enjoy the book, but the reading level was specifically designed for children of a second or third grade reading level to read to or with a parent, grandparent, or another loving person in his or her life. This book is a revision, by the author, of her former Little Saint Therese book.
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