The 2022 Edition of Every Catholic’s Guide to College is now available. If you have a high school student interested in pursuing higher education, this is a book you will definitely want to check out!
An invaluable guide for Catholic college bound students!
Anxiety and depression are widespread among college students, even before the pandemic played havoc with college life. More than ever before, young people need supportive communities while away at college. Catholic campus ministries and Newman clubs/centers provide a home away from home, with social, spiritual, and service activities that both ground students as well as challenge them as they become independent, well-educated adults. They welcome all students, Catholic or not, from those occasionally going to Mass to daily Massgoers, These centers are also tied in with campus and local mental health and other support resources.
Finding these colleges was difficult, until Every Catholic’s Guide to College came on the scene. Now college bound teens can find great options, whether they are looking for boutique liberal arts colleges, Ivy league schools, engineering, or art schools. Scattered across the country, the colleges included offer excellent options for every type of student coupled with the presence of a strong Catholic community on campus.
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