The Family That Prays Together Stays Together
The Try Prayer! It Works! Contest…
…is a simple way for teachers, catechists, and parents to encourage young people and their families to pray together. We provide an engaging prompt and reflection questions for families to discuss during dinner. Then, students use their creative skills to express their reflections in artwork, poetry, prose, or video.
This year’s theme, “The Holy Family,” will help you and your family explore how the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph can inspire you and intercede for you as you strive to be the family that God created you to be. Through family prayer, especially the Rosary, Mary will show you how your family can respond to God’s unique call to be a channel of His love and light in the world. Discover how the presence of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph can transform your family life!
Children grades K-12 enrolled in a Catholic school, religious education program, parish, or other organization, including home school, are eligible to enter. Entries will be judged on content, ability to capture and interpret the theme, artistic and technical proficiency, and adherence to rules.
PROSE – Submit an essay of 50 to 250 words on 8.5-by-11-inch paper.
POETRY – On 8.5-by-11-inch paper, submit a poem of a minimum of 10 lines and a maximum of 30 lines. Poetry may rhyme or be written in free verse.
ARTWORK – (painting, drawing, scrapbooking, or collage) Any of these mediums can be submitted on no larger than 8.5-by-11-inch paper.
VIDEO – Videos may be no longer than two minutes. Ensure the file is saved and uploaded as an .MP4, .MOV, or .MPEG format and in Standard Definition.
All United States contest entries must be submitted to Family Rosary by February 25, 2022. Each first-place winning entry will be awarded $100.00 USD.
(Image is from one of the 2021 winners created by Bernadette Rose E., Grade 10, Holy Angels Academy, KY)