Hand on to the next generation the joy and meaning of Advent and Christmas—while also giving them the powerful benefits of penmanship. Handing It On is a unique penmanship program based on the prayers and hymns of the liturgical year. During Advent and Christmas, immerse students in the joy of Catholic tradition so they can live more fully the beauty of these holy seasons.
Advent and Christmas packets contain:
1) Handwriting worksheets for traditional prayers and hymns of the seasons
2) Information about each prayer or hymn, including translations (English & Latin)
3) A schedule showing when to use the worksheets
4) A section describing traditions and activities for the seasons

And links to the music are provided on the website, so you can play the hymn music while students write the hymn text.
Prepare well for Christmas by entering into the season of Advent—and then experience the sublime joy of the season of Christmas!
Available in: print English, print Latin, cursive English, cursive Latin
Save 20% on Advent and Christmas packets with coupon code: adventchristmas20 (valid through January 13).
To place orders and to see more seasons and packets, go to www.handingiton.com