offers a computer based 2 semester astronomy class. 2 levels – Grade K – 6 or Junior High to High School
Semester 1 includes:
1. Tour the Solar System
2. Big is Relative
3. Far
4. Pluto and the Edge of the Solar System
5. The Ice Giants – Uranus and Neptune
6. Jupiter and Saturn: The Gas Giants
7. Mars – The Haunting RED Planet
8. The Mighty Sun and the Cooking of Mercury
9. So You think you Know the Moon
10. Manned Space Exploration
11. Extreme Phenomena
12. The Milky Way and other Galaxies
13. Constellations & Planets: The Story of the Night Sky
Semester 2 includes:
1. Comets, Asteroids and Meteorites
2. Everything – A Tour of the Universe
3. Exoplanets – Planets Beyond our Solar System
4. Home
5. How to REALLY use a Telescope
6. Little Green Men – The Search for Life Beyond Earth
7. Moons of the Solar System
8. Nebulae
9. Robotic Space Exploration
10. Space-Time and Gravity Simplified
11. Stars and Star Clusters
12. The Edge of Interstellar Space
13. Venus – Approach with Caution
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