Learn About Word Origins

My daughter is always asking me how things got their names. I usually have no idea and end up Googling to find out. Now there is a better option! Once Upon a Word – A Word-Origin Dictionary for Kids is great for kids (and adults) who are interested in where words come from.

It features large print, colorful illustrations for each letter of the alphabet, and special sections on food words and musical instruments. There is also a section on common Latin and Greek roots.

This is a great book for learning about how words work and where they came from. It would make a useful addition to a morning time routine or provide fodder for lunch or supper conversation. Once Upon a Word – A Word-Origin Dictionary for Kids is great for kids (and adults) who are interested in where words come from. It is a resource book you’ll look at again and again.

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Author: Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, editor of "Today's Catholic Homeschooling", is the mother of two biological sons and one adopted daughter. She is in her seventeenth year of homeschooling. She has a B.A. in History and Fine Art and a Master's Degree in Applied Theology. She is the author of "The Crash Course Guide to Catholic Homeschooling" and "The Fruits of the Mysteries of the Rosary". She blogs at spiritualwomanthoughts.blogspot.com