Less is More When It Comes to Schoolwork

by Durenda Wilson

After over 20 years of homeschooling (8 kids) with 8 years to go, I can’t help but have a very different perspective than when I started.  If only we could begin our journeys with that  wisdom.  Instead we have to make our own way, occasionally listening to those further down the road who are calling back to us with words that will make us braver and give us the courage to forge ahead in our homeschooling pilgrimage.

I am most thankful for those who told me over and over again that the authentic fruit our children would bear after all these years of home learning would not be a result of the “right” curriculum, the perfect co-op, or the mother who drove them to finish their workbooks.
Read the full article here: http://www.hiphomeschoolmoms.com/2016/02/less-is-more-when-it-comes-to-schoolwork/



Author: Editor