The world sometimes seems like a scary place, especially to children. News stories—often fraught with stories of violence—offer little in the way of positivity. But there is also hope and beauty everywhere—especially in a newly created human being!
Because the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the abortion decision back to the states—a decision that has angered many and incited acts of destruction and violence—kids may be hearing a lot of misinformation. That’s why it’s vital that we talk to them about abortion in an age-appropriate way. We have the perfect lesson to help you do this!
If abortion and the sanctity of life are conversations you have only touched upon, now is the perfect time to expand that discussion. Our 4-class lesson entitled The Beauty of the Developing Human Being will help you give your children a firm foundation regarding the fact that every human being’s life must be protected from creation until death. This lesson explores the science of the earliest moments of a person’s life and helps your child see the humanity of the tiniest and most vulnerable among us.
Here are 6 great reasons to use The Beauty of the Developing Human Being to teach your kids about preborn babies:
1. Your children will learn about all of the amazing things that a baby can do before he’s even born!
From the very first moment that a baby is created, he has his own unique DNA. He is an unrepeatable person! As babies grow, they do things like suck their thumbs, do somersaults, smile, and more. They’re just like you and me. Your child will realize that, while a preborn baby may be smaller, he’s still as human as we are.
2. Your children will have the opportunity to see the humanity of the preborn baby for themselves.
We include a link to a 4D ultrasound so you can all watch a baby yawn, kick, hiccup, and more! You will be amazed at the clarity of the ultrasound and how well you can see the baby. Yes, he is truly alive and human!
3. Your children will learn that human beings are different from animals and how a baby is a distinct and different human being from his mother.
Using the Carnegie Stages of Human Development, this lesson teaches that, though a baby is dependent upon his mother for sustenance, he is not part of her body. He may temporarily live in her body, but he is not part of it, like a kidney or a lung. Further, we explore the fact that, unlike animals, humans are created in the image and likeness of God.
4. Your children can combine writing and grammar skills with pro-life beliefs.
One of the optional activities is a 5-paragraph essay on a topic such as embryonic development, twins and triplets, prenatal nutrition, maternal fitness, and so on. Your child will do his own research and learn more about this tiny miracle that is the preborn baby.
5. Your children will love the hands-on activities that solidify the humanity of the preborn baby.
Over the course of the week, your kids will create a preborn baby development poster featuring paper cutouts of each stage of a preborn baby’s life. Seeing how babies develop over time and allowing your children to follow this growth gives them concrete proof that a baby is indeed human and not just a blob of tissue.
6. Your children will learn that each person is a unique and unrepeatable gift from God with special talents we must not squander.
Using Scripture, this lesson helps students learn the importance of their individual talents and teaches them what Christ said about using your talents for the good of others.
This lesson ends with a discussion of vocations and even has a fun word game you can play as a family. Most importantly, your child will now be armed with knowledge. He will know that a preborn baby is a human being. He will know that a preborn baby is a child of God. He will know that a preborn baby is a baby and not a choice. And he will be ready to protect and defend the dignity of our smallest human beings from the moment they are created.
Focusing on the beauty of each and every human life—regardless of age, race, or ability—is something that we must learn to do if we are to have a peaceful future. Let us help you prepare your children to do just that.