Mark Restaino tackles the big questions of free will and why evil exists in his latest picture book, Two Robots. Dr. Sarav and Dr. Michaels both wanted to build robots that would do good and help people. Dr. Sarav programs his robot, Blue, to always do good and obey commands. Dr. Michaels creates Red to have the ability to choose. When Red disobeys, Dr. Michaels knows that Red wasn’t fulfilling his purpose to do good, but Dr. Michaels still loved Red.
Blue says Red is broken and throws him away. As Red sits in the dumpster, he decides to ask Dr. Michaels to teach him how to be good. Dr. Michaels tells Red, “I’m glad you messaged me. I want you to know that I’m always here for you. You are never alone.”
Two Robots is a simple story on a hard topic to understand. It has an important message about God’s faithfulness and love. It is charmingly illustrated by Afrianas Dwi Yoga.