How to Homeschool with Littles
Ah, the eternal question: how to keep toddlers and preschoolers occupied during the big kids’ school time? The pious answer? Pray. The humorous answer? Drink. The unhelpful…
Pro-Life Citizenship for High School Students
The Culture of Life Studies Program offers a Pro-Life Citizenship Curriculum for High School Students Should a Catholic vote for a candidate who supports abortion…
Newman Guide for Catholic Readers
This guide is designed especially for Catholic education broadly—including
parents, diocesan and school leaders, teachers, librarians, homeschool curriculum
publishers, and textbook publishers—and draws upon The Cardinal Newman
Society’s Policy Standards on Literature and the Arts in Catholic Education.
Decades of Thanksgiving
A creative way to count your blessings A few weeks ago, Chris Stefanick — a Catholic writer, speaker, and founder of Real Life Catholic —…
Building Character Through Discernment and Planning of Service and Activities
A very careful examination of what God wants for each child with the talents and gifts given will lead to the proper and moderate amount of academics, sports, activities, and service that will really contribute to the whole family as well as each individual child.
Use Holy Heroes in Your Homeschool
Holy Heroes has created a free PDF to illustrate how you can use their products in your homeschool by subject and age.
The Joys of Reading Aloud
Ever wonder which educational activity will bring you and your family the most enduring and impactful results? Reading aloud to our children can bless them beyond measure, now and throughout their lives. Today’s guest, Maureen Wittmann, has spoken and written extensively on the topic of The Power of Read-Alouds!
Book Review – Crossbows and Crucifixes
This historical fiction for teens focuses on the persecution of Catholics in England during the late 1500s.