It’s the dark days of February and you may be feeling a little flat and unmotivated. We all are at this time of year and homeschooling can start to feel like drudgery so here at Homeschool Connections we would like to give you a day to Refresh.  On Friday, February 23rd we would like you to start your weekend a little early and join us for the annual Midwinter Refresh conference. Unlike past conferences, this will be a one day, one-on-one with host Mary Ellen Barrett featuring guests who are sure to motivate, encourage and inspire you.

This free conference will give you the push to keep your spirits up and soldier on through the remaining days of late winter. Our line up this year includes internationally known speakers, authors, bloggers and podcasters and they are going to share their knowledge, passions and wisdom with you, our homeschool connections family.


Register and find out more:

Author: Editor