Do you have a high school student interested in learning about film writing or directing? Through Story Masters Film Academy, they can have the opportunity to work with industry professionals who also teach classes at John Paul the Great Catholic University. There is also the opportunity to earn college credit.
Some of the topics covered include:
Film Writing
What is a story?
Structure and conflict
Stakes, emotion, and meaning
Writing log lines and pitching ideas
Screenplay format and writing dialogue
What the story is about: theme vs. plot
Pre-production: script breakdown, director’s notebook, set design
Production: choosing cameras, working with actors, managing the set
Post production: editing, sound, music
Two free sample lessons are available for students to try out to see if this program would be a good fit.
In addition to semester-long courses, they have just begun planning a Story Masters Film Festival for the summer — an online intensive that ends with a showcase/competition of student films.
To learn more, please visit Story Masters.
Image by Bokskapet from Pixabay