Learn More About ADHD
If you, your spouse, or your children have (or suspect have) ADHD, you know it can be a challenge. ADHD is Awesome: A Guide to…
Self-Directed Education for Neurodiverse Children
When raising/educating neurodiverse children (autistic, ADHD, OCD, PDA, etc.), it can be a challenge to figure out how best to educate them so that they can succeed at school and in life. In A Different Way to Learn: Neurodiversity and Self-Directed Education, Naomi Fisher, a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. in developmental cognitive psychology, offers some ways to approach the challenge.
Do You or Your Child Have ADHD?
When it comes to parenting and homeschooling a child with neurological differences, knowledge and understanding can help a great deal. ADHD 2.0 is a fascinating, informative, and practical guide to living and thriving with an ADHD mind.
Homeschooling Kids who are Wired Differently
The Homeschooling Saints Podcast is a wonderful resource for Catholic homeschoolers. Check out Episode 9 on Homeschooling Kids Who Are Wired Differently. Episode 9:…
Appreciating our Neurodiverse Children
Our traditional school system spends a great deal of time trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Thankfully, in recent years, there has started…
How to Help Your Child Cope with Stress
What is Stress? When we think of stress we might think of the pressures of adult living – the pile of work that needs to…
Are You Homeschooling a Child who is “Differently Wired?”
Do you have a child who is “differently wired?” Perhaps he or she has an official diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, learning disability,…
ADHD and Homeschooling
Here is an interesting study on children diagnosed with ADHD and the positive effect homeschooling can have: Freedom to Learn