Tag: Homeschooling
The Value of Play-Based Learning
As homeschoolers, we get to cultivate our kids–these unique and unrepeatable souls–through an incredible variety of tools and techniques. Today’s guest is homeschool mom and entrepreneur, Chantal Baros, here to share some insights on Play-Based Learning!
Six Reasons Why We Homeschool
I am sharing our list in case you, too, are feeling curious about homeschooling, and need a boost of encouragement or a vision of what it might mean for your family.
Homeschooling: The Call of the Wild + Free
The Call of the Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education by Ainsley Arment offers a wonderful overview of homeschooling for those who are considering homeschooling for the first time. It also can help renew the spirit and dedication of those who may be struggling a bit in their homeschooling lives.
Money Advice from a Debt-Free Homeschool Family of 16
Learn how to do more with your money from a debt-free homeschooling family of 16! #homeschooling #moneymanagement #largefamilies
2021 Catholic Homeschool Conference
The Free 2021 Online Catholic Homeschool Conference is now accepting registrations at https://catholichomeschoolconference.com/
Teresa of Avila for Homeschool Moms
Our friends at Verity Ed have been doing a series for Catholic homeschool moms on St. Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle. Take some time to learn something for you and progress on your own spiritual journey with these informative videos. #TeresaofAvila
Curing Mommy Overwhelm
As homeschoolers, we can get really overwhelmed. Self-doubts can wreak havoc on our peace of mind, causing us to lose faith in God’s plan for our families. A wonderful consultant and veteran homeschooling mom, Paola Ciskanik, is here to talk about Curing Mommy Overwhelm. Stay with us!
Learn About Unschooling Options
Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom by Kerry McDonald is useful reading for anyone interested in learning more about self-directed education.
How to Thrive as an Introverted Mom
Are you an introvert? Do you find that spending your days in the constant presence (and conversation) of your children is physically and emotionally exhausting?…