Tag: Special Needs
Learn More About ADHD
If you, your spouse, or your children have (or suspect have) ADHD, you know it can be a challenge. ADHD is Awesome: A Guide to…
Homeschooling Your Child with Special Needs
Homeschooling has become a haven for kids the traditional school system has failed in some way. It’s not that there aren’t some great programs and talented teachers in the system; it’s mostly that the system may not fit your special needs child.
Building Executive Function Skills in Moms and Kids
Ginny Kochis talks about building executive function in moms and kids. #executivefunction #homeschooling
Do You or Your Child Have ADHD?
When it comes to parenting and homeschooling a child with neurological differences, knowledge and understanding can help a great deal. ADHD 2.0 is a fascinating, informative, and practical guide to living and thriving with an ADHD mind.
How to Homeschool Your Differently-Wired Child
Do you have a child who is bright but quirky? Perhaps you have an official diagnosis or maybe you simply know that your child is a bit different. Are you homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling? If so, Ginny Kochis has a new course designed especially for you.
The Secret Garden – Online Catholic Tutoring for Special Needs
The Secret Garden offers online tutoring for students with special needs. There are specialists in a variety of areas.
New Writing Program from IEW
If you have a child that struggles with writing but like rules and order, this is a program worth checking out.
Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child
Homeschooling has become a haven for kids the traditional school system has failed in some way. Listen to this podcast about homeschooling your special needs child.
Homeschooling Kids who are Wired Differently
The Homeschooling Saints Podcast is a wonderful resource for Catholic homeschoolers. Check out Episode 9 on Homeschooling Kids Who Are Wired Differently. Episode 9:…