Two Science Resources from NASA

NASA offers two websites devoted to learning science:

SciJinks  – learn all about weather and meteorology, both on earth and in space. There is a special section for educators.

NASA’s Space Place – all about space. Includes many hands-on activities as well as a special section for parents and educators.



Author: Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, editor of "Today's Catholic Homeschooling", is the mother of two biological sons and one adopted daughter. She is in her seventeenth year of homeschooling. She has a B.A. in History and Fine Art and a Master's Degree in Applied Theology. She is the author of "The Crash Course Guide to Catholic Homeschooling" and "The Fruits of the Mysteries of the Rosary". She blogs at