Well-Trained Mind Academy

“The Well-Trained Mind” is a homeschooling mainstay for those who wish to pursue a classical education. This is from the Well-Trained Mind Academy website:

The Well-Trained Mind Academy is based on the expert advice, carefully selected curricula, and classical model described by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise in The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home (first published in 1999 by W.W. Norton and now in its fourth edition).

Classical Distinctives

  • Trivium: Classical education depends on a three-part classical pattern of training the mind, called the trivium. The early years of school are spent in absorbing facts, systematically laying the foundations for advanced study. In the middle grades, students learn to think through arguments. In the high school years, they learn to express themselves. Our high school and middle school courses provide the classical expertise and interaction critical for these latter stages of learning.
  • Language Focus: A classical education is more than simply a pattern of learning. Classical education at the middle and higher levels is language-focused; learning is accomplished primarily through words, written and spoken.
  • Content: Reading assignments of primary sources will provide historical context for subject matter discussed in each course. Literature courses are organized by historical periods to complement our history courses. Science courses include study of foundational “great books.”
  • Written Assignments: In high school, the classical student actively engages the ideas of the past and present — not just reading about them, but evaluating them, tracing their development, and comparing them to other philosophies and opinions. Most courses assign several persuasive papers to teach students how to support a theory or trace historical developments that influence the field under study.

Our Approach: Partnering with Parents

Our goal is to bring the time-tested benefits of classical education within the reach of every family. We choose to partner with parents, not replace them, by supplementing their existing home curriculum with experienced instructors in a clearly classical approach to each subject.

We use Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Collaborate, and Blackboard Ultra to bring instructor expertise right into your home.  Blackboard’s Parent Gateway gives parents the ability to monitor course grades, upcoming assignments, and class announcements.

Our Environment: Interactive

All of our classes are offered live.  Classical education is language-focused, accomplished through words, written and spoken. Live instruction is a powerful tool to engage students in persuasive conversations.

Standard class size averages 15-20 students. Courses requiring more personalized instruction have an average of 10-15 students.

Office hours give students an opportunity to work with instructors individually outside of the live classroom.  Discussion boards and email are provided to facilitate ongoing instructor and peer assistance.

Our Instructors: Experienced & Accessible

We carefully select our instructors so you have access to the expertise needed to fulfill your home school vision. All of our instructors have years of experience in teaching, tutoring, homeschooling, or a combination of all three. Our instructors are qualified in their fields and excited about the classical model.  Many have earned advanced degrees.  Read about each instructor’s background and teaching style, and view a sample lecture, by visiting Your Instructors.

Your Values. Your Academy. Your Advantage.

You provide the nurturing home environment, family values, and guidance that only you can give. We provide the expertise, accessibility, interaction, and a partnership with parents that makes the Well-Trained Mind Academy a natural extension of your homeschooling education.

Explore our online course offerings to discover exciting new options for your home school adventure!

To find out more, please visit: http://www.wtmacademy.com


Author: Editor

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